Saturday, April 11, 2015


On the surface this is an empty glass coke bottle. But to me it's more. A few years ago my mom and I visited the coca cola factory (the museum part) in Atlanta, GA. It was a really interesting experience and it gave me an appreciation for coke that I didn't know I had. At the end they take you in to a big room with all the coca cola products from around the world organized by country. Some of them were delicious and some were disgusting. (If you ever go, do NOT try Beverly from Italy)  Anyway, at the very end of the tour there is a conveyor belt loaded with glass coca cola bottles like the one above, except these were filled with coke. Everyone was invited to take one as a free souvenir. My mom and I both took one. The next day was our last day in Atlanta.
Now we faced a predicament, we wanted to keep the bottles but we couldn't take them into the airport (you can only take certain amounts of liquid in for security reasons) unless we drank the coke. Here was the problem: we had no bottle opener. We were stopped at a McDonald's off the highway in our rental car on our way to the airport with no way to open the bottles. Both of us would have been devastated to just throw the bottles out, so we made do with what we did have. First we tried the car keys, which failed immediately. So we opened the back passenger door, there was a little metal thing sticking out where the door goes. So my mom took the bottle and pushed it against the metal thing as though it was a bottle opener. It worked, but the coke went EVERYWHERE. This was in our rental car may I remind you. We frantically cleaned it up and needless to say, we did not attempt to open the second bottle. We just kept this one and threw the other one away. My mom was so embarrassed, she said I couldn't tell anyone when we got home. We told them anyway.
It was just so ridiculous and hilarious. I would love this glass bottle anyway because it looks cool, but I also love it because it gave me one of my favorite memories of my mom and I. Sentimentality is a wondrous thing. Who knew it would come from a coke bottle?
-Natalie <3


  1. This is such a cool and fun memory.My mother once tried opening a bag of chips with such force that the bag split and there were chips everywhere :P

    1. haha I love stuff like that, annoying at the time but hilarious afterward. :)

  2. I have a similar bottle to yours - I visited the World of Coke last October when I was spent three days in a suburb of Atlanta for an exchange program, and you're right, the Beverly is super gross!
    I still have my bottle on display as well :-)

    Franzi. I [ ]
